Christa Stamper

Christa has over 30 years of ministry experience including leading women’s Bible studies and support groups for young mothers, counseling women and youth, launching a mentoring ministry, speaking, and writing. She earned the Foundations of Biblical Counseling Certificate through CCEF as well as a certification in victim advocacy and trauma informed care from Give Her Wings Academy. She is currently pursuing a Masters of Arts in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA. She serves as the program manager of a shelter for women and children who have fled domestic abuse and are now homeless. In this role, she weekly counsels women coming out of abuse, provides parental coaching, leads a monthly community support group for abuse victims, and disciples the families in the shelter.

Interests and Specialties: Christa has a heart for the oppressed, forgotten, and hurting. She has had the opportunity to walk beside many women and families in crisis due to abuse, oppression, and relational betrayal. She believes the heart of God as revealed in Scripture brings hope and healing to those who are suffering and have been harmed by others. She is equipped to counsel various issues including anxiety, depression, burn out, marriage and parenting issues, abuse, and trauma.

Personal: Christa lives in a suburb of Seattle, WA with her husband Greg. They recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary, have four young adult children, and are new empty nesters. She enjoys reading, researching, long walks, chasing the sun, and talking to her kids on the phone!

Christa is available to counsel online. Contact Kristin for details.


Intern appointments are limited and are available online and in various locations.

Contact Kristin for details.