What makes counseling biblical?
Biblical counselors don’t have the corner on faithful counseling.
First off, I think it’s helpful to state right at the beginning that biblical counseling isn’t the best descriptor. With the name biblical counseling comes an implication that all other forms of counseling are unbiblical. And while unbiblical forms of counseling do exist, many types of counseling that don’t fall under the formal umbrella of biblical counseling are doing good ministry that lines up with Scripture.
Every counselor is different.
Second, it’s also helpful to acknowledge that within any counseling methodology – Christian or otherwise, every counselor will make their counseling style their own. We have categories that we use to describe methodologies but the actual practice of any counselor will likely bleed through a variety of different approaches. Biblical counselors are no different. Even under our own umbrella there are different emphases that make the counsel feel quite different from biblical counselor to biblical counselor.
What characterizes my counseling?
I start with Scripture
I don’t mean that literally, as in I necessarily start a session with a Bible passage. But rather, conceptually. As I listen to your story and begin to understand how you are struggling and what you are struggling with, I use Biblical categories to shape my understanding. The Lord gave us categories through which to understand life in his Word, things that describe the fundamental nature of things - Who is God? Who is man? What is wrong with this world? - just to name a few. My conviction is that beginning with biblical categories will set our trajectory straight. Much like laying the foundation of a building and assuring your corners are square, starting with biblical categories will help us point straight ahead.
I move with Scripture
Not only did the Lord give us the fundamental categories to understand the life we’re in, he also told us exactly where we’re pointed. Life with the Lord is the direction we are always pointed in. It is where we will ultimately end up and it is where we are growing here on earth. No matter what counseling struggle I’m facing this is where we must point.
I’m defined by Scripture
And so are you! I use Scripture to form my understanding of our relationship. Wherever I point you, I fundamentally need the same thing at its core. We are both sufferers in need of the comfort of our Heavenly Father. We are sinners in need of Jesus Christ as our Savior. We are saints equipped and sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
There is wisdom outside of Scripture
While I seek to use Scripture as my fundamental foundation and structure I also see the value and importance of wisdom gleaned from outside sources. I critically engage psychology and observations about how certain struggles function in people’s lives. I seek to learn and engage with things that are shown to be helpful outside of the biblical counseling world.